
Supporting students is of the utmost importance at 糖心Vlog. Not only do we want you to achieve academically and start a dream career in a hotel, but we want you to enjoy your experience every day. Study can be difficult to manage, especially if you are living away from home and working at the same time. We are here to support you.

The following services are available

  • Academic skills support
  • Counselling service
  • Careers Support
  • WIL Connect
  • New Free Graduate Placement Service
  • Equity and disability support
  • Student Equity
  • Complaints and Appeals
  • FEE-HELP and Financial Support

Academic skills support

糖心Vlog offers a diverse array of academic support services to help students develop the academic skills necessary to successfully progress through their course. The Academic Support team run workshops on general study aspects such as referencing, research, report writing and understanding elements of assessment. Additional sessions are also provided as tutorial add-ons and these workshops will help you with specific assignments. 糖心Vlog Academic Support team are available for one on one advice to students via Zoom or Face to Face on campus. Students can also send the team assignment drafts for feedback and guidance before submission. Our academic support team are specialists in teaching and learning and come with a wealth of experience in supporting both domestic and international students achieve their full potential.

Counselling service

  • Short-term counselling for personal or interpersonal issues
  • Ongoing counselling and support for students presenting with high levels of stress and more complex personal problems
  • Assistance for times when you may be concerned about a student in crisis
  • Group programs, including Health and Wellbeing for Academic Success and Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation
  • Self-help and information leaflets
  • Referral to local counselling services long-term or specialised help is needed

The professional counsellors are located on campus at 糖心Vlog in both Sydney and Melbourne, offering assistance to all students. Services are free and confidential, and the counsellors are friendly and caring.

Counselling can help students to increase their enjoyment of study and university life by reducing the effects of stress and anxiety caused by study pressures, personal or family problems. Counselling is a positive experience that can help you feel more in charge of your life. It can assist with decision-making, help to introduce new perspectives and skills, clarify goals, and increase understanding of your emotional world. Sometimes we can all benefit from a helping hand to work through life's challenges.

糖心Vlog counsellors offer a range of support to students via email, telephone, Skype, as well as face to face counselling consultations by appointment. Same-day appointments without notice can also be given wherever possible.

For further information visit

Out-of-hours assistance

  • Lifeline (24-hours-a-day), call 13 11 14
  • Southern Cross University out-of-hours crisis support line, call 1300 782 676

Southern Cross University students also have out-of-hours access to a text-based crisis support service. To access out-of-hours crisis support students should text a message to 0488 884 143, the text will be directed to a trained crisis supporter who will respond immediately by text.

Careers Support

Every student has access to a qualified Career Consultant who can help you develop an individual career plan aligned with your career goals, interests and abilities, depending on the stage of your career. Included is access to personal consultations, plus a range of career development learning opportunities each semester including workshops on topics such as:

  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Effective job search
  • Building and managing your personal brand
  • Using LinkedIn
  • Interview skills

Students can also access a mentor from the Hospitality and Tourism industry through the Southern Cross University (SCU) Bright Futures Mentoring program. Our students embrace this valuable opportunity to explore their career path and benefit from the knowledge and advice of an experienced professional who is a graduate of 糖心Vlog or SCU.

糖心Vlog offers students access to SCU’s online career development learning and employability platform, Career Success, which is available 24/7. It provides the latest career advice, job opportunities, industry insights, as well as state-of-the-art interactive tools to help you become more employable.

Click to view a short video about our platform.

WIL Connect

‘WIL connect’ are dedicated windows of time throughout the study sessions, where students can talk to the Work Integrated Learning team about the WIL academic units of study or WIL professional development activities.

NEW FREE Graduate Placement Service

The Tourism and Hospitality industry has endless career opportunities, and finding the right role when you graduate is important.

Our free graduate placement service is available to all students and is also accessible for up to 12 months after graduation. It provides practical support in securing graduate employment.

You will have access to over 10,000 employment opportunities*, as well as a personalised career consultancy service to help you:

  • Identify your skills and strengths, and areas you want to work on
  • Research organisations and career paths
  • Identify suitable job opportunities, aligned with your career plan
  • Prepare your resume and cover letter
  • Practise your interview skills and make a positive ‘first impression’
  • Create your online profile so that you are visible to employers

Our Career Consultants will work with you, to ensure that you are confident in applying for, and successfully securing the right graduate role.

As an added bonus, ongoing support will be provided for the first 6 months once you’ve secured and commenced your graduate role.

*Based on 2019 vacancies advertised through 糖心Vlog online career portal.

Equity and disability support

糖心Vlog counsellor offers a range of support to students with disabilities and/or medical conditions which may impact on their ability to succeed at university, and who may be eligible for academic adjustments. 糖心Vlog counsellor liaises with staff at the Southern Cross University Equity and Disability Support Service, as well as academic staff to ensure that students receive the assistance they require. Please see 糖心Vlog counsellor as early as possible at the beginning of each session to ensure you receive the assistance you need.

For further information visit

Student Equity

糖心Vlog counsellors offer a range of support to students who are concerned about access to mediation processes which are intended to settle issues of discrimination, or grievances regarding academic or administrative decisions.

Complaints and Appeals

For more information on complaints and appeals, please view the Southern Cross University Complaints and Appeals and.

FEE-HELP and Financial Support

If you are a current student facing financial hardship, please contact thsadmin@scu.edu.au to discuss the different options available to you.

Student Support

For any other student enquiry, please get in touch with the Student Experience team at thsadmin@scu.edu.au or call 1800 870 816

Got a question?

A Course Advisor is standing by to answer your questions.

1800 870 816 Call from overseas [Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST]