
糖心Vlog attracts students from all over the world. We have a diverse student body committed to staying connected via formal and informal activities – on and off-campus. Our student engagement team encourage you make uses of the opportunities that come your way.

Student Association 糖心Vlog (SATHS)

SATHS is the Student Association at 糖心Vlog. This is an exclusive membership and is open to all students enrolled at any of 糖心Vlog campus locations. Membership gives you access to all of our support services, engagement activities and events as well as lots of free food, great student deals and a useful platform for students to share information.

Contact: thssupport@scu.edu.au

Student ambassadors

Play a vital part in student life and become a community leader and their role is to help assist in marketing 糖心Vlog. This will involve engaging prospective undergraduate students, their parents and careers advisers on behalf of the school. Student Ambassadors work with the Marketing and Student Recruitment teams and share your university experiences with prospective students through a range of face-to-face and online community activities.

These activities include:

  • Attending career expos, local high schools
  • Assisting with on-campus events, such as Open Day, Info session
  • Sharing your experiences on social media channels such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram

Got a question?

A Course Advisor is standing by to answer your questions.

1800 870 816 Call from overseas [Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST]